Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Today something wonderful happened. I was sitting on the train going to a dreaded regional teacher's meeting, and extremely grumpy from having to wake up early to take the train for an hour. It was such a beautiful day though, crystal clear blue skies, fluffy white clouds.

Just then I happened to glance into the distance, and saw some very pretty mountains, but as the train moved into more open space, I saw it --


I grabbed my coworker Hamid by the arm, almost knocking him off his feet, and shrieked like a little child, 'LOOK!! It's FUJI!', and quite a few people around us laughed. But it was so majestic, towering in the distance, so beautiful. The picture above does not do it justice. Mt Fuji is about 1,000 km from Tokyo, and considering the air pollution in a city of 30 million people, it is a rare and lucky occasion like this morning that one is able to see the majestic view with no smog, fog or clouds. It was, in a word, perfect. I can't wait to climb it next year!

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