Friday, February 09, 2007

You want it, you got it

This is in response to many requests for pictures of these Japanese ladies parading around in short shorts in the middle of winter in high heel boots. Well, you want it, you got it!

I caught this yesterday just outside the train station. Now, I hope all of you are satisfied.

Well I haven't written much lately because sadly I've been sick as a dog. You know, something that nobody tells you about the so-called glamorous life of a roaming English teacher is that you will spend the first 6 months or so going through a vicious cycle of sickness and health in your new country. And I'm not referring to the kind of sick you get from drinking tap water in Turkey. In fact, the tap water in Tokyo is amazingly clean, I drink it every day and it tastes wonderful! It has such a good reputation in Japan that Tokyo Tap Water is now being bottled and sold across the country.

Anyways, enough about tap water. The point is, foreigners are easily susceptible to getting sick in new countries due to climate changes, dry air, or even air pollution from China, like what Gino has been experiencing over in Korea. Ironically, my diet is better and healthier than it's ever been, I exercise and ride my bike daily, but even a good lifestyle is not enough to ward off Japanese germs. That's why you often see people walking around in shops, or especially on the train, wearing this:

Luckily, I have The International Man of Mystery visiting for 6 days to take good care of me and make me lots of delicious mouth watering soups, like nabe.

It is simply wonderful having my own personal tour guide in Tokyo who knows so many great spots with the real, old fashioned authentic Japanese food - you know, the kind of places that only the local knows about. Tonight we are heading to Ikebukuro for a yakitori (grilled meat) place that serves the most amazing grilled liver. Mmm. I'll make sure to take some pictures and put them up tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

yam be honest for a change nuh... don't lie an' tell de people yuh did get sometin' from de tap water... we does all know yuh did get mono from all yuh late nights out wid random strangers and picking up glasses of alco and sippin cause yuh too damn cheap to buy yuh own drinks! we know! is you we talking bout here yuh know!

Tantie said...

you big sell out!!!!!!!!!!!!