Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Big Boys

What would a Tokyo blog be without some sumo wrestlers?

Yes, the picture is fuzzy, I know. I apologize. But these guys are HUGE and I didn't want to get in the way.

A few weeks ago, myself and the lovely Jana, who is a brilliant German scientist, went to Ryogoku in downtown Tokyo to try to go to the Sumo Museum. Little did we know that there was a massive sumo match that very day, so we were able to grab some shots of the big boys and the action outside the arena. Unfortunately the tickets to the shows were completely sold out way in advance so we will have to wait until January to see it live.

Above, the bright and colorful signs are the names of all the different sumo wrestlers performing that day.

When life imitates art.

How many sumo wrestlers can you fit into one taxi? We saw all these guys get out of a taxi and it was like one of those things in the circus -- how many clowns can squeeze out of a Volkswagon beetle?

Behold..... the McDonalds!!!

This McDonalds picture is a perfect example of one of the facets of the Japanese language. They have one alphabet for Japanese words, such as 'samurai' or 'sushi'. Then there is an entirely different alphabet, used only for foreign words, such as 'McDonalds' or 'whiskey'. Each symbol is phonetic, meaning that rather than representing one letter, it represents a sound, such as 'KA' or 'MI' or 'HO' or 'YU'. So the sign in the picture is read as 'MA-KU-DO-NA-RU-DO HAN-BA-GA'. McDonalds hamburgers! It might seem like a strange system but it actually makes things quite a bit easier once you get the hang of it.

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